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How to make Chicken Katsu

konnichiwa minna ~
ok !! let's make Chicken Katsu with chef Neko
☆Sky ((o(^o^)o))


4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - pounded to 1/2 inch thickness
salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 egg, beaten
1 cup panko bread crumbs
1 cup oil for frying, or as needed

  1. Season the chicken breasts on both sides with salt and pepper.
  2. Place the flour, egg and panko crumbs into separate shallow dishes. Coat the chicken breasts in flour, shaking off any excess. Dip them into the egg, and then press into the panko crumbs until well coated on both sides.
  3. Heat 1/4 inch of oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Place chicken in the hot oil, and cook 3 or 4 minutes per side, or until golden brown.

In Indonesia (°w°)

Bahan-bahan :

  1. 300 gram daging ayam tanpa tulang bagian dada, pukul-pukul hingga pipih
  2. 1 sendok makan air jeruk lemon (kalau tidak ada juga tidak apa-apa)
  3. 1/4 sendok teh merica bubuk
  4. 1 sendok teh garam
  5. 1 putih telur, kocok lepas
  6. 2 sendok makan tepung terigu
  7. 50 gram tepung roti kasar
  8. minyak goreng secukupnya untuk menggoreng

Cara Membuat:   
  1. Lumuri daging ayam dengan air jeruk lemon, merica bubuk, dan garam. Aduk rata.
  2. Lumuri daging ayam berbumbu dengan tepung terigu, lalu celupkan kedalam putih telur yang sudah di kocok lepas. taburi dengan tepung roti kasar.
  3. Simpan di dalam kulkas selama 30 menit agar tepung roti lebih menempel. Goreng ke dalam minyak yang panas hingga kuning kecoklatan. usahakan agar daging ayam terendam di dalam minyak panas. kemudian angkat. sajikan selagi hangat yaa ~

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